Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sky's Tummy Troubles

I fed sky some regular kibble because I was worried about her nutrition after having been on the chicken and rice for over a week. That turned her loose poop into diarrhea... I was out in the yard with her at 3:00AM. So, we went to the vet this morning and she was prescribed metronidazole. That should set her right!

My normal vet wasn't working today, so I asked for the vet that she's said had experience with the Kinavet. He said that since Sky had been doing well that this bout of issues is probably not because of the Kinavet and she should be able to continue on it. He wasn't worried at all about the vomiting since it had been a couple of weeks without recurrence. We discussed how long Sky would need to remain on it and he was unsure. There just aren't any studies yet to determine how long a dog should stay on this new medication. He said he had a previous patient that was getting tumors every 4 months. So they gave the dog Kinavet for 4 months, then stopped. The dog didn't get a recurrence while taking it nor in the 4 months since. But it's still a guess. And Sky got three tumors in as many weeks, a completely different scenario. He said that if taking it for 6 months prevents a recurrence, and you can afford to continue it after that, why not just stay on it for life. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone else that has insight and experience with Kinavet. Just leave a comment...

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