Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sky's Blood Work & Sleeping Arrangements

Sky's blood work came back good today. She can continue to take the chemotherapy Kinavet. She will get another blood draw in two weeks, and if that comes back good, then she will go to once a month.

When Sky first had surgery, I didn't want to put her in a crate. She is usually in a crate overnight and when I'm not home. But I didn't want her to rub the stitches or staples against the sides of a crate. So, I set up a kennel in the bedroom. Shannon wanted to be in there too, which I let her do overnight. It turns out, she really likes to stretch out. That's Sky up against the side of the kennel. She is in a e-collar when I'm not watching her. She still has a tumor in front of her ear. If she scratches it, it will release histamines and make her itch. I don't want her scratching until she bleeds again. They have plenty of room, but this is how they end up every night.

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