Monday, September 7, 2015

Sky Update: Blood Test Results, Healing Shoulder Wound, Worrisome Limp, and Daisy With A Dog Food Bag

Sky's blood test came back good, nothing to worry about. She can continue on Kinavet. The incision site on her right shoulder where a tumor was removed is looking better each day.




She has been limping all day. She's favoring her right front leg and was licking that foot this morning. If she's not doing better by tomorrow, it will be another trip to the vet...

Here's a picture of Daisy being a funny girl today. She's my Belgian Malinois mix. I always throw the empty dog food bag on the floor because my other Sheltie Shannon loves to lick the inside of the bag. Well, Daisy finally figured out (after all these years) what Shannon was doing...

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