Friday, September 4, 2015

Sky's Staples Are Removed

I took Sky to the vet today to get her staples removed and to get her first blood draw. She has been doing really well. She is full of energy and so far there haven't been any side effects from the Kinavet. I left her there after the staples were removed so that she could have a bath. Isn't she pretty! And she feels good and she smells good! She doesn't seem to be bothering any of the incision sites, so I'm taking off the e-collar when I'm able to watch her. If I'm in my chair, she only wants to be in my lap or at my feet (total Momma's girl) so it's easy to keep an eye on her.

Here's some pictures I took after the 53 staples were removed. Isn't there a saying about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Her leg looks pretty good. Some scabs though make it 'the ugly'...

Her side looks fantastic. 'The good'
Her shoulder looks horrible. This is 'the bad'. The technician started removing the staples and the wound started opening up. So I had the technician stop and asked her to get the vet to look at it. (Just a note for the record here. I had expected to see my normal vet today, but she was out for some reason and a different vet took care of us.) The vet came in and said sometimes with staples a wound will roll in. And removing the staples allows it to roll open. At this point, fur is growing in there and it's better to leave it open. I don't get it. I think it looks horrible. I don't understand how fur can be growing in the part that was inside the wound. But the vet assured me that it would look great in no time... I'll post some more pictures as this wound heals.

I'll also post again when the results of the blood work come in. Tonight she will get the last two pills of the first bottle of Kinavet, completing 2 weeks of chemo... I have another bottle here before I will need to get a refill, but that will wait until after the lab results come in, in case she needs to stop taking it.

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