Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sky: A New Tumor

It was very upsetting to find another tumor on Sky Saturday night. It's right next to the pad of her back left foot.

She was at the end of her sixth week on chemotherapy when I found it. So, I guess the Kinavet did slow down the growth of another tumor. But I was hoping it would prevent her from getting any more tumors. She had her last two-week blood draw today. Now it will go to once a month. The vet looked at it and agreed it's not surgical due to its location. They could remove it, but they wouldn't get it all. That would just make it release histamines and cause her to be itchy and miserable. I'm noodling if I should try to put some kind of covering on that foot so she can't chew it and so it doesn't accidentally get injured. If you mess with these tumors, they release a lot of histamines. It's got a little bit of crusties on the edge, but I'm not even picking them off. I don't want to do anything to make her start scratching like she was before. It was horrible. She scratched until she bled... She was all better once the tumor was removed. But with this one, we need to make sure it doesn't make her itch because surgery isn't an option. The vet said the Kinavet could still shrink this tumor. So, let's pray for that. On the good side, the Metronadizole fixed her loose poop situation.


  1. Hi Chris I'm sorry to see that Sky has another tumor. I hope that chemo works soon and knocks it out.

    1. Thanks Danny. I'll post an update if I see any change.
