Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sky's Expenses (so far) and Possible Toxicity of Kinavet-CA1

I found my statement from Sky's first surgery to remove 2 tumors. Here's a break-down of expenses so far. I'll continue to update as things progress.
She has an appointment Friday to get her staples removed and to get her first blood draw. The chemotherapy (Kinavet) can cause 6 different syndromes that can kill her. So she will get blood drawn every two weeks to make sure she's doing ok. These are the possible syndromes:
  • Renal Toxicities and Protein Loss Syndrome
  • Non-Regenerative Anemia and Hemolytic Anemia
  • Neutropenia
  • Hepatic Toxicity
  • Gastrointestinal Toxicity
  • Other (Severe Weight Loss)
She continues to do well. I took off her t-shirt while she was on my lap this morning so I could brush her. She enjoyed the attention but was happy when I was done. She's such a good girl, she helped me put the t-shirt and e-collar back on when we were done...

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