Monday, October 19, 2015

Sky: Possibly Another Tumor

I believe Sky has another tumor on her front right paw. There was blood so I swabbed it with some antiseptic. Here's what it looks like:

I think it's a tumor. But I don't know how it got bloody. She's been in an E-collar for several days now. I think she is going to have to live the rest of her life wearing it. Thank God she doesn't mind wearing it. I'm so scared that she will chew a tumor and have it release histamines and make her miserable and I'll have to put her down. Anyway, the fact that this spot is bloody and she's not itchy makes me wonder if it is a tumor... For now, I'm keeping an eye on it. Once it dried off, the fur went back to normal and you can't even tell there's anything there.

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