Monday, November 3, 2014

Shannon's Surgery

Today was surgery day. What a long day. Up at 4:30AM, left here at 5:40AM, arrived there at 7:00AM. Checked in at 8:00AM. Not sure what time her surgery started. She was second in line and they start surgery at 10:00. The surgeon came out to see me around 1:00PM. She said that she thought she had gotten all of it, but that lab analysis would verify. (I'll post again when I get the results.) She said that at the center of the mass was Shannon's microchip. There's no way to tell if that's what caused the growth. But the surgeon suggested I not replace the microchip. Shannon was released at 5:00PM for the return trip home. That was a long day. The bill for today was $2,132.14. She was sent home with the following meds: Cefpodoxime (antibiotic), Carproten (NSAID), Tramadol (pain med). She will get a cold compress at the incision site 3 times a day for 5 days. She is only allowed outside on a leash until the stitches come out, which should be in 2 weeks. I can go to my normal vet for that. I am carrying her up and down the steps... For now... I shouldn't be doing that, due to my own health. But exertion can pull at her stitches, so I'll do what I can for as long as I can... Here's the pictures. Don't scroll down if you are delicate... (I don't know why they shaved so far down her back...)

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