Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shannon's Consultation with the Veterinary Oncologist in Richmond

We saw Dr. Waite, the Oncologist, in Richmond today. This growth is a benign cancer that is acting like a malignant cancer. Shannon is scheduled for surgery Monday to remove the growth. She shouldn't need any radiation or chemotherapy. The surgeon, Dr. Aktay, looked at it today and said that she felt she could remove it and get good, big margins. Dr. Waite also found something in Shannon's armpit and took a sample to see what it is (cytology) and found it is a lump of fat. All of my girls have these lumps... Anyway, we have to be there at 8:00AM Monday for the surgery. Ugh... I'll have to leave here around 5:30AM to be sure we get there on time... The bill today was:
   Consultation                         165.00
   Cytology                                 80.00
   Pre-surgery blood work         122.00
     Total                                   367.00

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